We incorporate the new Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Framework in all of our planning. The day is planned to include the following activities- Indoor play, morning tea, outdoor play, language/ music and movement groups, lunch, rest time, outdoor play and finishes with a language group.

What's special about us?
- We provide a happy, safe, nuturing environment
- We offer fun age approriate games and activities for all
- Children learn desired social behaviours like: sharing, kindness, helpfulness, friendship and acceptance of others.
- Our Additional Needs Teachers are trained to work with children with additional needs.
- Skills needed for formal schooling are fostered in a positive way. (Cognitive development, communication, attentive listening, concentration, visual competence, fine and gross motor development, self control, confidence and independence.)
- We are a licensed SunSmart Centre.
- All Staff sign and abide by a high quality Code of conduct.
- All Staff have comprehensive First Aid Training.
- We endeavor to keep fees as low as possible.
- Good hygiene and healthy eating habits are encouraged. (Strict no nuts/ junk food policy)